Water is Life

We are continuing our unit on groundwater and the water cycle. Our first lesson back focused on understanding the water cycle, and examining case studies of water shortages around the world.

The water cycle is one of the most important systems on earth; it is powered by the sun. It is a closed system, which means that the glass of water you drink tonight might have also been tasted by Cleopatra thousands of years ago. Water changes state, however the total amount of water within the cycle stays constant. Here is a written summary of the water cycle to help you understand.

Key Terms from the Water Cycle:
  • Infiltration
  • Sublimation
  • Transpiration
  • Condensation
  • Evaporation
Water Waste:

Canada is the second highest user of water in the world at roughly 325 litres of water per person, per day - Vancouverites have the highest usage rate in the nation. USA is the highest, with a 450 litre average.

Here is a chart that shows our actual water use, as well as our virtual water use. Some of the statistics may be surprising to you....GOOD - Virtual Water Use Chart

ASSIGNMENT: Choose ONE of the following freshwater issues or controversies and comment at the bottom of this post. Be sure to include your name and the topic choice. You may additionally choose to comment on your classmates' ideas by agreeing or disagreeing with their statements. Healthy debate is great, just be respectful in your responses please.
ISSUE #1: INDIA'S WATER WOES - The Sardar Sarovar mega-dam project

1. Review each image in the PBS photo essay on the mega-dam. Skim the text.
2. Read over the introduction to the Dam Controversy so that you gain some background information.
3. Debate 3 - Droughts and Floods - Read over this debate and pay attention to the points being made by each side. Who do you think makes the strongest argument.
4. Comment on the blog. Your blog comment should include:
  • Your overall impression of the Sardar mega-dam project
  • A brief summary of the controversy
  • Your opinion on whether or not India should proceed with the dam project, with supporting reasons.

1. Review the photo slide show of different examples of water shortages around the world. Photo Slide Show
2. Read the article "Top Ten Water-Wasters"
3. Skim the text and maps that analyses our current freshwater situation
4. Comment on the blog. Your comment should include:
  • Your overall impression of the issue of water shortages around the world
  • Mention of any images, facts and case studies that stood out to you as important
  • Summary of a couple of ways in which we can minimize the amount of water that we waste.
Blog posting is due January 14th, 2010.


  1. I like the idea of the Sardar mega-dam project. I can see where the woman is coming from in that many dams have been built and failed and how this could just hurt the cause more than fix it, but when 75% of your country does not have drinking water you obviously have to change the way you look at the issue. Sure it might fail, but if it does then your still right where you are today. But if this plan works then your water supply, energy supply, and overall economy will boost due to the productions that could possibly be made from this dam. Fishing, hydro power, and maybe even tourism will prosper if this change occurs.

  2. I read the Watering a Thirsty World issues, and these are my thoughts:

    My overall impression of the water shortages around the world is astounding. Reading this articles easily makes me frustrated, because in North America alone, we have so much water to spread around to the people all over the world who need it most, yet we fail to do so. Instead, we overuse our water priviledges and actually end up wasting hundreds of gallons of fresh water a day. It's amazing to read that, because you start to think that there is millions of people who have no fresh water at all, and how much help those hundreds of gallons of water could do to them if we saved it and sent our water to them.
    The one thing that stood out to me most was how much water we waste just by leakages. I had no idea that leaking water could be so dramatic, because wherever you go you always see a leak, and now you just think of how much water those leaks are producing that is now wasted. There is hundreds of ways that we can minmize the amount of water that we waste, but a couple of ways could be FIXING the leaks. We could save so much water if we did that. Secondly, don't wash cars so often, i don't think there's a point. If you want your car washed, wait for rain and leave it outside when it is raining. Thirdly, i believe we should do a better job at collecting rain water. I understand that not all rain water can be collected, but a lot of it can, and i think we need to do a better job at collecting it and saving it.

    -Jennifer L

  3. Hi! I read the "Watering a Thirsty World" articles.

    Looking through the pictures in the slideshow and reading the articles, it was surprising to see the incredible depletion of water happening all around the world. Huge bodies of water taht helped sustain communities are now dry, cracking pieces of land that are no longer useful to people. It stood out to me that there is frustratingly huge amount of usable freshwater that is being lost through leaky faucets or pool foundations. I also noticed that there is a conflict that arises between conserving water and emitting harmful, greenhouse gases. In the "Top 10 Water Wasters" article, one was explaining the large amount of water used to burn biofuels in comparison to fossil fuels. Burning biofuels is cleaner and causes less damage to the ozone while using ridiculously more water to manufacture.
    There are tons of small changes in our daily lives that can minimize the amount of water we waste. I think just having the knowledge about the amount of freshwater available, and being conscious of it when taking showers or watering the lawn. I agree with Jennifer that collecting rainwater is an obvious idea especially since we live in Vancouver where rain is annoyingly frequent. I also think upgrading toliets and other water devices to more water efficient models in busy, public places like schools and malls will encourage people to make the same changes in their own homes.

    Peggy Wong

  4. Hey!I read ISSUE #1: INDIA'S WATER WOES - The Sardar Sarovar mega-dam project.
    After reading about the drought controversy and going through those pictures regarding the dam project, I got pretty confused as to taking a decision about such a critical topic. On one side dams can be bad in a way that they destroy and displace local residents, harm fish, may possibly damage the soil and even destroy cultural artifacts. But on the other hand, they have such a huge technological and economic impact(something that is very important for a developing country like India), provide electricity that is cheaper and renewable+ provide power WITHOUT pollution( green and environment friendly), create jobs during construction period and also "modernize depressed regions". This brought me to conclude that the dam project should be given a shot. They should rehabilitate those residents whose houses will be destroyed during construction and thus removing one of the main cons to this project. I agree with Lucas when he says that even if it is a fail, we are still where we are today and if this plan works then your water supply, energy supply, and overall economy will boost due to the productions that could possibly be made from this dam.
    -Akanksha Thakur =)

  5. read #1 India's water woes.

    The Sadar Mega-dam project is a huge controvesy in India. On one side, the dam will bring a water supply that is desperately needed to almost half of the nation. It will also provide electrictiy and jobs during the production. But on the other side, it will destroy many thousands of homes, it may harm animals in the process and maybe even some culturally treasured structures.

    I think that the Sadar Mega-dam project is a great idea. I personally feel that the pro's outweigh the con's in this situation. Even though there will be damage to alot of houses, and people will have to move, and some fish may die in the process, and maybe some artifacts will be ruined i feel the benefits are far greater. With the new dam, India will be able to get the clean drinking water that more than half of the country needs. They will have tons of electricity that they didn't have before. They will also be able to use this water for irrigation which will create for them an abundance of wheat and rice which will allow there economy to grow tremendously. Also, the amount of houses that will be destroyed during this process is nothing compared to the amount of years that this dam will be able to provide all these things for the Indian people. I think its hard for people who's homes are going to be ruined in this process to see the benefits that this project will bring, but will see when it is finished that it was well worth it, if not for them but for the bettering of their entire country.

    -Heather Balzer

  6. I read the article “watering a thirsty world,” my overall impression is that people in third world countries take more care of their water then we do. We can just go to any tap in the house and water will spill out. They have to walk for miles just to find a water hole that is dirty and gross. We may have most of the water supply but we definitely take it for granted. The picture that stood out to me the most was Lake Mead and how the water level is so low you can see a “bathtub ring”. I thought it was an amazing picture and it really caught my eyes. Also that in Sweden they have dry sanitation in which they separate the water from human waste and use the feces and urine to create fertilizer. A few ways that we can save water is by taking our cars to a real car wash instead of washing it at home and by getting “wasted” you waste more water then you have to because it takes most of it away from your body causing you to be more dehydrated.
    These articles were very eye opening and had a lot of information. I will take shorter showers now =]

    Issue #2 – Watering a Thirsty World
    After reading all the water articles, I definitely now have a different impression on water shortages around the world than I did before. Water is used for many different things around the world. Some of the uses are beneficial while others are just a plain waste of water and people just don’t recognize that they’re wasting it. I personally think that people think that we have quite an abundance of water which is why people don’t seem to care about how long to shower for, or even leave the tap running for. Some images, facts and case studies that stood out to me include the fact that swimming pool loses about 1,000 gallons of water a month due to evaporation, I think that’s a bit crazy. Something else that stood out to me was that New South Wales longest river has already lost half its natural water flow and it is predicted that by the time 2030 approaches, climate change will have further reduced it another twenty percent. Since places like Central Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia have sufficient supplies but lack technical training, bad governments or weak finances, I think in my opinion that education is mandatory for citizens to learn so that they can contribute to the water shortage problems that their country is facing. Overall a couple of ways we can minimize the amount of water that we waste other than providing education, is to have better public and community control of water utilities as well as repairing old water systems.

  8. Hello, the article I read was called "watering a thirsty world". My overall impression on the article was that in North America we waste to much water. We don't really realize how good we have things until the resources are no longer there. In places like Africa they don't have access to clean drinking water, and we take advantage of ours. The picture that stood out to me the most was of the Lake Mead. It used to be a full body of water and is now shrinking in size, leaving a line on the surrounding rocks which helps show where the water level used to be. Ways we can help save water is by using a dish washer for dishes or turning the tap off when its not in use (ie. brushing your teeth, washing your face, doing the dishes etc...). Another way we can save water is by taking shorter showers! Showers use several litres of water A MINUTE, now multiply that by the amount of people who take one a day and for atleast 20 minutes! THATS A LOT OF WATER being wasted... So if we try to lower the amount of time we take in the shower that would help save a lot of water for the future.

  9. Issue 1 The Sadar mega dam.
    The Sadar Mega-dam will get these people the water that they need. But, it can destroy thousands of homes, maybe hurt some animals, or cultural monuments. You just got to ask yourself 3 questions: Can you survive without a home? Yes. can you survive without animals? Not happily but yes. Can you survive without cultural artifacts? Yes. Can you survive without water? We all know the answer to that.
    Look at the pros and cons on the Wide Angle website. All four of the cons involve "cans" and "not necessarily's". The pros? Not so much. Bottom line they need water the dam gets them water. this is the best idea since a certain guy agreed to a fight where he was a 42-1 underdog about 20 years ago. In both cases the reward is far far larger than the risk.

    Matt Battocchio

  10. The article that I read was Issue #2 Watering a thirsty world. Before studying water shortages around the world, I have always thought about water being important and that people should not waste it. However, after reading the articles and looking at the pictures, It made me more aware that water is running short and that I should try to conserve water more than I already do. There were lots of things in that list that me or my family do ocassionally and sometimes everyday like washing the dishes. Also, I was surprised when I saw Alcohol was on the list. I knew that alcohol made you more thirsty than acutally hydrate your body, but I never knew it was a big water waster. After I read the article, it made sense to me why alcohol would be a big waste of water, especially for the rich and the wealthy that get hammed every night. To minimize water waste, we should drink alcohol less, if its possible for some hardcore party animals. Pools could try and make new ways to conserve water for pools. Families could upgrade their washrooms to low flow toilets and sinks if they have the money. Also, limiting car washing and watering the grass with automatic sprinklers that waste water. Although citizens would hate the government more than they already do, they can put some taxes or some clever way of making water cost if you over use it. Hopefully the situation gets better in the future, and hopefully people actually try to preserve water.


  11. I did the second case study, "Watering a Thirsty World". I think that even though awareness of the issue of water supplies depleting around the world is spreading, a lot of people especially in North America aren't aware of just how pressing a matter this is. So many countries are already devastated by this, and things need to be done now before it gets even worse in even more places, which is bound to happen with climate change. In the slide show, one of the images that stood out to me was the man standing over the dried out dirt, what used to be a pond on his farm. It made me realize how quickly and easily things can change, and how valuable water really is. Another image that I found powerful was the woman who had to climb down into the well because the water level was so low due to a drought. This made me think about how we are so lucky to live in a city with such an abundant water supply, and that it is imperative for us to come up with innovative ways to collect as large of a portion of our rain water as possible. I agree with Peggy that the more solutions are being publicly displayed, the more of an affect they will have in that they will be on people's minds when purchasing new materials. I think that campaigning for water conserving appliances and lifestyles is just as important as any issues that are being broadcasted now, since it is impossible to live without water. I also think that we need to start experimenting with new systems to recycle and collect water such as Florida. Even though the system they created consumes copious amounts of energy, the process has to start somewhere and they can only improve the system from there. If more countries get on board with finding solutions it won't be long before most, if not all, people are aware of the issue and ready to do what they can to save what water we have left.

  12. Liyang, I read your comment and accidentally deleted it! I'm very sorry, if you saved it, please send it again. Otherwise, not to worry as I have marked it, however I'm sad that other people won't get a chance to read it as it was very articulate.... please send again if possible!

  13. After reading the articles and viewing the pictures, my overall impression about water shortage around the world suddenly changed, I honestly think before that water shortage wasn’t really a big issue. Water is essential to our daily lives, it is very useful yet other people just waste it. North America waste too much of water and don’t realize there are people who lacks and needs water the most. Who could tell that small leaks in the water system can waste thousands of gallons each year and we waste hundreds of gallons of fresh water a day? How much help could these gallons of water could do to help those people in need of water.
    The picture that stood out to is the photo of Lake Mead(Photo #1 on the slide show) it shows how high the water level is during the past years, and how it loses water due to years of drought. For me, education and lots information about water wasting should be delivered to all, especially to North Americans. On the other hand, there are lots of ways we can do to conserve water such as collecting rainwater and saving it, take shorter showers, don’t let water run while shaving, washing your face or brushing your teeth, prevent dripping faucets by turning it off tightly but gently. It is important to be aware of and to follow all water conservation. We should save water to make the earth a better place to live in.

  14. oops forgot my name... mine's the one below Gabe's.

  15. Katrina

    I read the first on, one India's Water Woes

    I thought that it was so ironic because on one hand you have a picture of people who were walking across the dryest desert I've ever seen searching for water, and the next picture is about how water parks are rising in richer areas. It just seems like there has to be a lot more solutions on how we can distribute water equally. It seems like the people who have water, completly take it for granted and abuse it, meanwhile there are people living on less than 7 gallons of water a day. For most people in North America, thats not even a shower... It seems like all the solutions seem to create more problems. I think that the only way we can change anything is if we think of global solutions, collectivley. However, I have little faith that will ever happen.

  16. Water shortages around the world are exactly like the food distribution issues we studied in gr. 11 Social Studies. There is enough for everyone but lack of distribution causes some people to have none and others to waste. I am ashamed of our naïve North American attitudes towards water. I completely agree with Alisha in that “people think” that we have an abundance of water but don’t realize the devastation other’s are suffering. I find it fascinating that the rich are constantly abusing our water usages but it also makes me question the connection that maybe human civilization has flourished in areas that have so many great recourses. With food I know there are definitely cash crops and immense trade taking place, keeping in place our status system. I am not sure that water is as easily provided, traded or transported. My overall impression is that if we are able to eliminate activities that waste water and consciously reduce our usage, a positive change can begin to occur for those in need. The price of water being very low is mentioned in Issue #1 articles and I believe that this is something that is going to change in our near future. I would love to come up with a way for those with easy access to water to value what they are using. Water wasting is like global warming, those causing the problem are difficult to motivate. What stood out was definitely the mention of Las Angeles a city built in the middle of a dessert. I am a little bit shocked when thinking about the amount of money it must cost to provide water to Las Angeles (and all those golf courses). I like the law about 15 minute sprinklers but maybe we should save our water for agriculture we actually eat and less on esthetically pleasing plants. Let’s rethink our luxuries such as water parks, pools, golf course (can’t you play just as well on dry grass), care washing and as Jennifer mentioned fixing leaks. I know as a parks leader, refilling a pool everyday for two months is probably horrific to those who work so hard for the little water they are able to access. I was really excited to see the pictures of water plants that can create water from salt. I would like to know more about the possibilities of recycling water, I would much rather use stored rain water for water used for non food related usage. Drastic changes need to take place before we can achieve equal water sharing.

    PS. Gabe I enjoy your comments about drinking less alcohol.


  17. Sardar Sarovar Dam

    I think that the dam would be a great idea. I think it would be because it would benefit more people than it would not. I think the dam could help this part of india come out of a slump and actually help people live decent lives. Many people say that the dam will force many people out and away from their homes. People also are saying that it can harm fish and damage soil, when if done correctly this will not happen. These are all things that we don't need to worry about, who cares if a few people have to move, it's there fault for living there in the first place. Fish don't pay taxes so why should they have any more rights then people, if they end up dieing then too bad. This dam is great because it will create jobs and provide money to many families in need. This will save more lives then the amount of fish that may die. With all of the electricity produced there is a chance that factories could open and be very generous to the economy. I think that they should build this dam. Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam

    Nick M

  18. Sd'up!! Running a little late here, whoops.

    I chose the fresh water issues! Let's get crackin'

    My overall impression of the issue of water shortages around the world is that it's growing to be a global problem. I mean, honestly, most people in Vancouver don't even give water issues a second thought. When people think of water shortages, they think of the Sahara Desert and a lone desert man seeing a mirage of an oasis. But reading over these articles, it's clear that that is not the case. People don't care about problems that have nothing to do with them but I feel like water shortages are happening a lot closer than people realize. When I was looking at the photo slide show, I saw that it really showed that water issues exist in places in the United States such as Las Vegas and California. California is not far from Vancouver, it's much closer than the Middle East or Australia. I also noticed that water issues are really touching every continent on the planet. I think people really need to start realizing that water shortages are not isolated to dry, arid regions but is affecting everybody because really, only 3% of the world's water is freshwater.
    Some case studies that stood out to me where the ones surrounding the amount of water that goes into watering the grass in Las Vegas and golf courses. It really made me think, "Why do you want to see nice lawns in Las Vegas?" I seriously wouldn't go to Las Vegas to admire nice lawns. I think nice lawns are fit for places where it's natural to see nice lawns. Las Vegas is in a desert climate and I think there are some pretty things about deserts. I don't need to see a nice lawn in a desert, honestly. I just can't believe people waste so much water on their lawns in Las Vegas. LAWNS. And even worse than lawns are golf courses! I can't believe 70 percent of the city's water supply goes to golf courses! Every time I hear about issues surrounding golf courses whether it's watering them to make them look perfect or taking land to make new ones, golf courses always make my blood boil... I really find the uses of water in Las Vegas unnecessary and it makes it even worse that they're in an arid region. The other case study that stood out was the one about biofuels. I remember learning about biofuels as a sustainable energy source but I never knew about the amount of water they use. That really surprised me. It made me think that there are pros and cons to every energy source, which is too bad. Nothing is perfect, I guess.
    A couple of ways I think we can minimize wasting water is really just being consciously aware of it. I'll admit, I don't go through my day constantly thinking about the amount of water I'm using up in every single possible way. But I think people just need ways to remind themselves. Easy things like putting little notes to yourself in the bathroom ("TURN OFF TAP WHILE BRUSHING TEETH") or in the kitchen ("USE DISHWASHER") it'll become a lot easier. Humans are prone to error, we're not expected to remember every detail! We need reminders (or at least I do). Another way is to educate yourself in alternatives. A lot of people just make excuses and use ignorance as their reason for wasting water but that really isn't good enough. Aren't we all responsible for the water on our planet? Shouldn't we all be concerned and try to play a part in saving it? I can't stand people who are lazy and just don't want to try to learn. With the internet, it's not hard to just learn about water consumption and how to conserve it. I think if everyone puts in a little effort, it can make a big difference. But that's how it is with most things, isn't it?

  19. I read ISSUE #1: INDIA'S WATER WOES - The Sardar Sarovar mega-dam project.

    After reading this article I totally agree with Akanksha and Matt it is extremely difficult to determine whether or not a dam is good for Gujarat, given the pros and cons. Overall, I think this project is a huge advance for India because it could provide water to those 75 percent and help cut down the greenhouse gas emissions being put out by India. The project would give water to 45 percent of people in this part of India that normally wouldn’t have access to fresh water. The decision that needs to be made by the Indian government is whether the environment damage is worse or the lack of water to people who need it to survive. Being in India, this October, gave me a completely different perspective on the importance of water. The climate in this part of India is scorching making water a necessity. While just in Gujarat, I probably drank at least 8 bottles of water a day, which were needed to give energy. So for me I’m more leaning to the pros of the dam, just because I was there and I know how water is needed by the people to live. I somewhat agree with Shelayne, except for the fact that “there is enough for everyone but lack of distribution causes some people to have none and others to waste.” I don’t completely agree with this because the solution is not distribution. If the people in these towns don’t have enough money for something as simple as water to us, they definitely won’t be funded for imported water. What I do agree with is how people, including me, take water for granted and simply do not look at the lives of others to see how lucky we are. With this, I believe that India should continue on with the mega-dam project, but it should be in favor of those effected. And hopefully the Dam isn't Damned.

    XOXO Gossip Girl
    Just kidding its just me Ritu=]


    Cindy Feng
    After I finish reading, I felt so shock of water we wasted and how people short of water in their life. In article “Freshwater Crisis: Current Situation” I understood that water we wasted is a huge number that we can’t imagine even by human or by nature. For example, more than half of rainfall was evaporates from the ground or transpires from plants, so rainfall is totally not enough for us to use. For the “water supply today” even we have half of lands are sufficient water, but the other half of the world are began short of water or already short of water, so this map remind us the water we can use is not that much anymore, if we still keep waste water. Also I felt sorry to people that short of water, after I finished watch those photos on the website. Those photos try to tell us is time to stop water wasting, like one of the photo show water leak to the grass, if we turn the water faucet off, we can save at least 10L water per day.
    As technical develop, we can use a lot of technical to help us to save water. Also we can’t miss any detail in our life, like make sure turn off the water faucet and so on.

  21. I read article #2 (Watering a thirsty world)

    After seeing the pictures and reading some of the articles, it really got to me how important water is and how many gallons of water we waste everyday while there are people in other parts of the world suffering and would do anything just to get what we waste everyday and after all most of us don't even appreciate it. I'm pretty sure that if we could just give a quarter of what we waste everyday to people in need we gonna save a lot of lives.
    The picture that really stood out to me the most is where the women was collecting dirty water from the well, even if the water was all dirty and stuff I'm pretty sure she made a great use out of it, but we that have clean water we cant even make great use out if it with out wasting it.
    In my own opinion I suggest that if people really wanna minimize/reduce the amount of water being use in Canada and help poor countries, they should start paying for it. Yeap you heard what I said 'START PAYING 4 IT", I mean every time u would take a shower,wash the dishes,or leave the tap running,ect u would wanna use it less water because you wouldn't want your bill to come out high would you ? and the money for the water bill we can help poor countries build wells,boreholes and help them get access to clean water since we wouldn't need the money. I mean that's just my "opinion".

    Tjaa Kaengombe

  22. Hey, The article that I read was "Watering Thirsty World"

    My overall impression about water has completely changed now that I know how much people really need water in some parts of the world. If we just take a minute and I think about the amount of water we waste everyday, that's enough to fill up a whole big dam in one of the poor countries in Africa.
    The image that really stood out for me is the "open tap" and how much water we waste every time our tap is dripping water and we don't even care to try and close it while there is people in need of that water in other parts of the world. I think the only way that we will stop people for using or trying to reduce the amount of water usage around developed countries is by making sure everyone get the message of saving water like advertising it everyday in the media and maybe that might try and help people save water because it will be a everyday thing, I mean if everywhere you go its just about saving water and how water is important and maybe people will start thinking of saving water.

    Jose Silva

  23. Hey! I did ISSUE #1: INDIA'S WATER WOES - The Sardar Sarovar mega-dam project. I think that both the speakers in the debate had very strong points. But my question was that if this part of India already has so many dams then why build another mega-dam? Just to dry up another river and create another dam in some other river? If these previous dams haven't been successful in providing clean water to all these villages, then maybe damming isn't the answer to this problem. Maybe its another way of saving and recycling water. This billion dollar project that will increase the states debt sounds like it will bring more harm than any good. Also what Ms. Patkar said was that the businesses and the urban population who are richer will be able to influence the flow of the water: how much water do they get. This system of providing water sounds very corrupt to me. The fact that these villagers aren't very educated and are still making a good argument on their side amazes me!

    To summarize this controversy, the government wants to build a mega-dam in the Narmada valley which has created a major controversy between the villagers of this valley who will be negatively affected and the corporation carrying out this project who support the idea that this dam will boost the nations economy and the life of the villagers.

    I don't think India should continue with this project because if the past dams haven't been able to adequately supply water and have caused more problems for the majority of the population, then this way of providing water sounds not only dangerous on the economic and environmental front, but it endangers an added amount of people from getting water.

  24. Issue #2:Watering a thirsty world

    I felt upset after reading this article because the government system in some countries tend to forget the rest of the world especially with water distribution. In fact, it is stated that we have enough water to sustain every one in the world, but the injustice manifests because people are either selfish to share their water or just choose to turn a blind eye about everyone else. If only the governments from neighbouring countries form a consensus, flex their rules or at least agree on compromising their water distribution with each other equally (based on purpose and need) then maybe people won't have to fight to quench for their thirst. In my opinion, I believe that common people like us should also be aware with these water issues and think about how much were wasting. We should be more consciencious since we too are a part of this complex problem. A simple way of closing the faucet properly to avoid water dripping can help save water. I also think that farmers should be more conservative with their water consumption particularly with crop irrigation since so much water is wasted from evaporation and ground seepage. The images in this issue is a real eye-opener because it's really different when you read about a global issue in the newspaper compared to seeing visual images that details our negative impact on the world.
    *Ramon Baughman*

  25. Issue # 1

    The Sardar Mega Dam project is a fantastic idea in India; which I believe many more third-world countries should follow. True that Various Dams have already been attempted and several have failed, but almost three fourths of the nation are without drinking water. Construction of the dam may cause harm to vegetation, may murder animals like fish and frog in the lakes and may even destroy many homes. However, if you had a choice between drinking fresh water, the essential liquid you need drink to keep you alive or living in a rugged old home, which would you pick? If houses are destroyed they can be re-built, if crops are ruined they can be re-built and if animals are destroyed well that's just one con you can't really avoid. But the benefit will be that various lives will be saved because a lot of fresh water will be provided throughout the years to many civilized people deserve to live; plus you get the added boost of electricity the dam will power. The building of the damn will create many jobs and people are in desperate need of jobs in India. This will open up the chances of more businesses being opened and will bost the economy; which becomes very helpful for the poor part of the nation. The pro's of building the dam are far better then the con's of not building the dam.

    In my opinion, The Sardar Mega Dam project is necessary and will be a great success. In the past year, I recently visted India twice. I travelled to both the east side and the west side of the country. All the way from the west of Punjab, to Mumbai and the Himalayas. India is in great need of water! In the summers they have temperatures of about 45 degrees daily, and their is no rain for weeks. They go through about 14 hours of electricity cuts a day. I went weeks in temperatures to high for me to handle and not enough water to wash my self and to drink every day. I had the luxury of buying bottled water, but not everyone can afford this. I have family in India who can't afford it and for those people this dam could greatly be benefitial to them. If this dam can supply the citizens of India with clean drinking water, water to take a bath in and electricity, then why not go for it? Sure, if the dam doesn't work, it will be a waste of money but atlest they attempted to fix the problem. We are in the 21st century, actions and efforst have to be made to help support the second largest population in the world. I agree with Akanksha, Matt and Ritu, the dam is a good idea. It will provide 75 percent of people with clean, fresh drinking water; which is something very few people in India get to experience and will also cut down green house emmisions which is better for the world. The Sardar Mega Dam project is a great idea and I hope it continues and works to the best of its capability.

    P.S. , Sry Ms. Sawatsky for the late response, this was just a huge topic for me and took a lot of thought for me to put into words. But all jokes aside, really sorry for being late.

    By: Garry Wadhwa


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