Now I realize that there are many more interesting blogs on the internet that you could be following than one that focuses on specifically on geography. However, I am asking you to humor my attempts to embrace technology, and I am hoping this will make your learning more interactive and interesting, to help you stay on top of the class when you are away, and to give shy people in a class a chance to express their opinions.
In addition to the notes and assignments, I will be posting links to different websites throughout the year that I believe are relevant to our lessons, really interesting, or good supplemental material. Sometimes I will just post things that I think are funny. I would suggest that you follow the blog, so that you are informed when new things are posted.
In addition to the notes and assignments, I will be posting links to different websites throughout the year that I believe are relevant to our lessons, really interesting, or good supplemental material. Sometimes I will just post things that I think are funny. I would suggest that you follow the blog, so that you are informed when new things are posted.
Let's start off with a great video clip that highlights the importance of an education that includes geographic understanding and awareness. It also made me laugh really hard even though it's a little bit mean.
lopez :)