Maps, Maps, Maps

Today we examined the joys of topographic maps through an exciting exploration of Geographic Essentials. Our study of map connects directly to the theme of Location. A few key principles:
  • Physical Features = natural parts of our environment. Ex. A forest
  • Cultural Features = human made features. Ex. A bridge
Skills we studied:
  • Military Grid (UTM) - 6 and 4 digit location
  • Intro to Contour Lines and intervals, and map symbols such as shading
Things we will review next day:
  • Map Scale, Measuring distance and area, directions, contour lines
  • Stereographic and Regular Air Photos
HW: Make sure you answer the questions in the study guide on page 271/247. If you have trouble, don't be afraid to come see for advice or help.

  • SCALE: The scale of the map is most often shown as a ratio - for example, 1:50 000. Ratios are also expressed in equal units. So a scale of 1:50 000 means that: every centimetre on the map represents 50 000 cm in real life. So if we convert this to km, it means that 1 cm on the map represents 0.5km.
  • CONTOUR LINES & RIVERS: Contour lines will bend upwards to show the direction in which a river is flowing. They will also get closer together in steep areas, and farther apart in areas of gradual incline.
