Earthquakes - Causes, Hazards, and Prevention

Earthquakes: While tectonic processes should be credited for helping to create British Columbia's incredible natural scenery, it's also the reason why we fear "The Big One". While the fact that earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted is quite scary, pretending that it's never going to happen is only going to exacerbate their damage potential.

Today we studied the brief causes of earthquakes, and how they are linked directly to plate tectonics, and the convection currents in the asthenosphere. We looked at the different hazards that are associated with quakes including liquefaction and tsunamis. We then examined specific case studies including the earthquake in Indonesia and Asian Tsunami of 2004.

Some of the video clips that we watched in class can be found here. If you would like access to the others, just let me know.

Don't forget that there is a quiz next day on:
  • Earth's Interior and Layers, Earthquake Causes, Hazards
  • Asian Tsunami case study.
  • Phenomena: Animals and Earthquakes or Supervolcanoes
After that we will begin our second section in Tectonics with Pangea and Plate Tectonics.
