We are wrapping up our unit on rivers, and about to begin next gradational force - glaciers. It is important to note that these units are important to use as British Columbians, because these two forces have been the most dominant erosional influences on our landscape.
Your river test will include the following:
Your river test will include the following:
- River Stages - Youthful, Mature, Old Age
- River Gradational Cycle - Erosion, Transportation, Deposition
- River Transportation Forms - Traction, Saltation, Suspension, Solution
- River Features - Meanders, Braided streams, rapids, plunge pools, levees, peneplains, oxbow lakes, steps, yazoo stream, alluvium, backswamps, etc, - and they're associated river stage
- River Erosion: Forms (abrasion, attrition, corrosion, hydraulic action), and directions (vertical, headward, and lateral)
- River Processes - Explain the creation of an oxbow lake, meander
- Importance of Rivers - Benefits of rivers to humans - with clear explanations
- Hydroelectricity - Explain the positive and negatives of mega-dams in the context of particular case studies (Yangtze, Colorado River,
- River Controversies - Discuss the political complexities that are associated with rivers that cross international borders
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