Weather Quiz

Today we wrapped up the first half of our unit on Weather and Climate.  We finished off our presentations on precipitation, and examined a powerpoint on Weather Review that is here:
Weather Review   

thanks to Greg Dean for this powerpoint, though I hope that he doesn't find it on the internet because I haven't asked his permission... Just this one time I promise.

YOU HAVE A QUIZ NEXT CLASS. Our quiz outline is as follows:
Layers of the Atmosphere
Atmosphere Hot topics including Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion
Global Winds
Jet Streams
Global Pressure Systems
Air Masses
Clouds - basic - cirrus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus
Basic breezes including land and sea breezes
Convectional and Orographic Precipitation - note: Frontal precipitation is not on the quiz.

You are allowed a cheat sheet for this quiz - the emphasis is on reviewing your homework and studying. You will not be allowed your cheat sheet for the unit test.
