Pecha Kucha Finishing Touches

Just a reminder that your Term 2 presentations on Atmospheric Phenomena will be on Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.

Here is the outline of the assignment (again!) in case you've lost it.  Also, here is the criteria checklist, as well as the planning page.  You will be assessed in the following ways:

1. /10  Presentation & Communication Marks - Professionalism, Organization, Preparedness, Eye Contact, Volume, Energy and Enthusiasm

2. /8 Organization/Visuals - Professionalism of Pecha Kucha/Images, strong overall flow, thoughtful organization and sequence, grammar mechanics

3. /12 Content & Research on Topic/Problem  - see checklist for different aspects of presentation

4. /6   Overall Analysis of issue, personal connections, connections to broader environmental issues and idea of global citizenship

5. /4 - Planning & References - hand in planning sheet, script, etc.; multiple (min. 5) sources reputable sources used
