Pecha Kucha ~ Let's Try It!

For your Term 2 project, you will be presenting a Pecha Kucha to the class on an issue or topic related to Weather, Climate or the Atmosphere.

Pecha Kucha ~ is translated to mean "chitchat" and was first used in Tokyo in 2003.  Since then, it has become a great tool in the design community, and something that I think we need to explore.

Here is the outline for your assignment - Weather and Climate ~ Pecha Kucha

Here is are some resources and websites that will help you prepare your presentation.  Note that it suggests a max of 60 words per slide - and that preparation and practice is essential.  You won't be able to just 'wing this' - the timing will make you nervous.   Also - don't use 'dissolve' in between slides - it will take to long.  A simple fade is best. 

How to Make a Great Presentation with Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha website
