Weather Quest Outline - Thurs/Friday

Buenos dias,

Here is the outline for the weather quest that will take place right before Spring Break.  Part of the quiz will be a review of key concepts including:

  • Heat cycle (convection, albedo, etc.)
  • Water cycle
  • Global winds (westerlies) and local winds (sea/land breezes)
  • Air pressure - Global and high/low pressure centres
  • Coriolis Effect
  • Clouds
New concepts that will be assessed include: 
  • Types of precipitation & clouds, symptoms, cross-section diagrams
  • Hurricanes and tornadoes & major low pressure storms  (pg. 98-102)
  • Study of meteorology and the associated 'tools' - barometer, anemometer, etc.
  • Natural hazards vs. natural disasters - and concept of 'unnatural disaster's and how human actions and development challenges greatly affect the outcome of natural hazards - SHORT ANSWER
  • Link between climate change & intensity/frequency of storms (pg. 102 SG) - SHORT ANSWER
You do not need to know Chapter 24 (Weather Maps), or page 91 (types of fog).  Pay specific attention to previous quizzes, handouts and assignments and vocab sheets.  You will also be asked questions about Hurricane Nargis (case study: Burma), as well as Hurricane Katrina. 

Quest will be on Chapters 17-25 in Study Guide.  

Want to read ahead and prepare for life after Spring Break?  Examine next chapters on Climates and Climatic Controls. 
