Intro to the Biosphere & Environmental Issues

We have wrapped up our unit on the logistics of Climate and Weather, and are now going to examine the Biosphere & Environmental Issues.

We will study them together, because we want to return to our original theme of Human-Environmental Connections and examine our relationship with nature.

Today's lesson focused on:

1. An examination of world views & philosophies that influence our relationship with the natural environment
2. A beginning exploration of our personal relationship with nature & our personal impact on the planet
3. Case Study:  Congo & Mountain Gorillas - we began watching the documentary Virunga on Netflix.

Here is the handout from today's class - Intro to Worldviews and Philosophy


Due - Wednesday (Block 6)
Due - Monday (Block 2)

A.      Go to the website
B.      Click on the drop-down menu called Resources and then click on Footprint Calculator.
C.      Select either “Calgary” or “Ontario” as your location.
D.      Answer the questions to the best of your ability.
When you are finished, complete the following using the Results Page
1.       If everyone lived like you -  how many earths would we need?  __________________________
2.       What are your Top 3 contributers to your Ecological Footprint?  (ex. Shelter, etc.)
3.       How many hectares of the earth are needed to support your lifestyle?  ____________________________
4.       Click on Explore Scenarios and record 3 ways that you can reduce your footprint.

