Aquifers & Groundwater Issues

Today's class focused on the particulars of groundwater, and the issues that are associated with it. we began by discussing the importance of water in our daily lives.  Then, we examined a video that outlines the specifics of groundwater, and identified reasons why it needs to be monitored and protected.

Content wise - we did the following:
1. Discussed the water cycle & the key terms associated

2. Discussed the basics of groundwater, and aquifers and watched a video clip by the UN.

Here is the link to the video clip that we watched.   Video: What is Groundwater?

3. After that we did 'Expert Group' presentations on 6 different case studies that are connected to Groundwater.  They include:

Each group presented one of the issues, and summarized 3 Big Ideas from the article, and one reason why we should care about this issue.  If you were absent for today's class, you will have choose one of the articles, and create a summary. 

No homework for weekend - however prepare to discuss the connections between Nestle and groundwater next day. 
