The purpose of today's lesson will be to do some practice and prepare for the assignment that will be due next day.
Option 1:
We examined some ideas on possible 'stories' that could be included for Option 1.
We also watched the trailer for Pete McBride's movie - Into the Canyon. His journey walking along the entire Grand Canyon. He talks alot about the Colorado River. He has two other films "Chasing Water" on the Colorado and "Holy(un)holy river" about the Ganges, that you could use as potential stories for your river.
Chasing Water
Delta Dawn
Holy (Un)Holy River
Option 2:
We will each examine a different case study of a river, and take a look at the some reasons why the river is at risk. We will practice analysing it together. Your group must include:
- Basic Description of River - include description of place and location
- 2-3 Risks facing river
- Possible effects on humans, land, and animals
- Possible solutions
- Challenges facing people
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