On Tuesday, our class focused on the nature of rivers as sacred, and we were introduced to our next major assignment. We began class by sharing our homework - to investigate a poem, art piece, musical piece, etc. that was inspired by a specific river in the world. We shared in small groups, and then we explored some of the commonalities about the ways that rivers are described.
We then explored our new assignment - Sacred Rivers - and started to think about whether or not we would approach the assignment from a creative or analytic perspective.
After that we investigated the Ganges river in India - considered by many to be one of the holiest rivers in the world. We examined images and statistics of the Ganges River in this powerpoint, and the watched the following documentary, answering these questions.
National Geographic Documentary: Chasing Rivers - Part 2 - The Ganges River
Homework for next day is to consider which river you will choose for your assignment. You will have next class as a full work block to prepare for your research.
We then explored our new assignment - Sacred Rivers - and started to think about whether or not we would approach the assignment from a creative or analytic perspective.
After that we investigated the Ganges river in India - considered by many to be one of the holiest rivers in the world. We examined images and statistics of the Ganges River in this powerpoint, and the watched the following documentary, answering these questions.
National Geographic Documentary: Chasing Rivers - Part 2 - The Ganges River
Homework for next day is to consider which river you will choose for your assignment. You will have next class as a full work block to prepare for your research.
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