Forests: How Are They Managed?

Last week, we did a brief investigation into the intersection between holistic medicine and science. We explored the health benefits that are deeply connected to spending time in nature, and specifically, to spending time amongst trees.  Obviously, I love spending time in forests, hiking in nature.  Here is a picture of me in Haida Gwa'ii.
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This week we'll explore a bit of the basics about forests, and then do a brief exploration of the Great Bear Rainforest in beautiful British Columbia.  I think its important that we focus on case studies that are local to us, before we explore events taking place overseas.

First off, please check out the powerpoint that we watched in the Class Meeting this week where we explored the basics of trees.  In particular, you should be able to distinguish the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as the different forest types that exist around the world.

TASK - In our meeting we discussed the main types of forests that exist, and some of the amazing trees like Baobab species, that have lived for over 2,500 years.  Let's watch these video clips here to help you review the main forest types and their key species and adaptations.

We are about to explore the notion of 'silviculture' or forest management in a bit more detail.  We want to investigate how forests are used, and then also who holds power of their management. In Canada, there are many different stakeholder groups that come to the table, and are involved in discussions related to the management of our forests.  This week, we will explore specifically the management of the Great Bear Rainforest, and the history of how it became a Protected Area. 


BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: The Great Bear Rainforest is located on the central west coast of British Columbia. It is a remote and difficult place to access, yet one of stunning beauty.  It is also the home of the Spirit Bear, or the Kermode Bear.  Watch the following video clips to gain an understanding of how beautiful BC actually is, and what areas are at risk of development.
INVESTIGATION: How did the Great Bear Rainforest become a protected area? 

Please find the Great Bear Rainforest Assignment on Teams under Assignment section.  Summary is below. 

1. Read the following article "Great Bear Rainforest Creates Gift to the World" 
2. Answer the questions in the assignment on Teams
3. Head to this website where there is a 'Stakeholder' debate about the rainforest.  Review all of the stakeholder demands, and summarize them briefly in the assignment. 


Optional: Here are some other interesting videos that you might enjoy watching.  The BBC 'Our Planet' episodes are excellent. They are free on youtube right now. 

Here are some other cool videos you might like 
