The Five Themes of Geography & Geopolitics - ONLINE LESSON

 This Wednesday, we are having our first online Teams meeting at 12:30pm.  Please login to your Geography Teams, and I'll meet you in the meeting =).  Mute your microphones please, and feel free to show you face on the camera. 

I will be talking about the 5 Themes of Geography, as well as an Introduction to Geopolitics.  Here are two handouts that will be helpful for you during the meeting.  Paper copies were given out in class, but here are the digital copies.  It will also be helpful to have your Study Guide available. 


5 Themes of Geography + Spheres Review

How an Icelandic Volcano Helped Spark the French Revolution

Powerpoint - Spheres Review and 5 Themes Notes

What Do You Have To Do? 

After today's lesson online, you will be asked to complete the following: 

  • Spheres and Themes Practice Quiz - found on Teams, please complete and check your knowledge of the Themes and the Spheres.  Try not to use your notes if possible. 
  • Picture Assignment - Ensure that it is complete
