Glaciers & Climate Change Webquest


Glacier Webquest - Head to the following websites, watch the videos and answer questions when required.  Pay attention to the cool technology available to us, and the ability for us to imagine and see landscapes that are far away from us, up close. 

If you see this symbol ???? - It means there is a question for you to answer.  Record your response for Ms. Sawatsky to see.   If there isn't, complete the activity and enjoy it! 

PART 1 - So, where are famous glaciers that are at risk of melting? 

1. Head to the following website- Conde Naste: Where to see glaciers before they disappear

Scroll through the list, look at the pics, and skim the text. 

???? A. Which glacier would you like to visit before it disappears?  Explain why.  

2. Head to the following website - 

  • Greenland is Melting Away - New York Times - This is a large website - let it load, and then use the interactive features to get up and close to different spots.   You can scroll in super tight.  See if you can find the tents of the scientists, that look like this 

???? B. Record one interesting fact that you learned about Greenland from the text of the article, or from the interactive parts of the website.   Explain why it is interesting to you. 

Part 2: Exploring Glaciers Up Close!

For this section, you will be exploring glaciers using a google cardboard viewer. No need for notes, simply follow the instructions.  The idea is to learn and get up close to glaciers and have some fun.

The first two videos are pretty simple, the purpose is to get your eyes adapted to the Virtual Tech.. 

360 Video 1 - Into an Arctic Glacier  - open this in your Youtube app, and then put it into your cardboard viewers.  It's 3 minutes, ensure that you spin around, look up, look down, etc. 

360 Video 2 - 360 Inside an Ice Cave -  same instructions as above, explore the ice cave by looking around.  Imagine yourself inside of it. Only a minute long..

360 Video 3 - 360 Antarctica - Unexpected Snow - National Geographic - see penguins up close!

360 Video 4 - 360 Antarctica - Journey Through Ice -  watch all, or just a portion.

360 Video 4 - Polar Obsession 360 - National Geographic - this one needs headphones - stunning video!

all these videos can be watched on Youtube on a computer if you can't handle the glasses. 

Part 3: Sea Level Rise - What are the risks?  What are the impacts?

Melting glaciers = Rising Sea Levels.  Let's explore the impacts of that.  

  • This is an intense look at what would happen if all the ice melted.  This is not something that would happen in your lifetime, but it does show us the extremes that we are trying to avoid. 
???? - C.  Name three cities or regions of the world that would disappear in this scenario. 

???? - D.  Describe a couple of the social changes that would happen, if sea levels were to rise to extreme levels, such as those seen in the videos.

2. Bill Nye is a science expert - see what he has to say about melting ice and glaciers.  Watch the following video - What if All the Ice Melted?

???? - E.  Besides rising sea levels, how will melting sea ice/glaciers affect our oceans and ocean currents? 

???? - F.  How are northern communities being affected by melting sea ice? 

3. Surging Seas - Let's take a look at a local example.  How will the Lower Mainland be affected by Rising Sea Levels?   Click on the following website. Interactive Map - Sea Level Rise -Explore what will happen in Vancouver- Surging Seas. 

  • Start at 0 degrees of temperature rise and then stop at each increment to see what happens.  Move around on the map and see which parts of the GVRD will be hardest hit.  Find your house and see what will happen. 

 ???? - G.  Which municipalities will be hardest hit by a rise in sea level of 2 degrees? 

???? - H.  Name a place that you like going to, or visiting, that will be impacted by rising sea levels.  

Part 4: Thwaites Glacier - Case Study

Vox: Why Scientists are so worried about this Glacier

Thwaites Glacier is a part of Antarctica and it is greatly at risk of melting.  Watch the following video to find out what's going on, and why we should care about it. 

???? - I - Explain why Thwaites glacier is incredibly important, and why researchers and scientists are monitoring its progress. 

???? - J - Explain what the effects will be, if Thwaites Glaciers continues to melt at the current pace, or if that speeds up. 

Part 5: What's happening in Vancouver?

Go to the following website:  C40 - The Future of Cities.   

Take a glance at the overview and then click on "Cities" on top banner.  Then, click on Vancouver in the interactive map.  

??? - K. How many parts of the 4 part plan for Climate Change Preparedness have we completed? 

??? - L.  Name the 'extremely serious' and 'serious' threats facing Vancouver. 

??? - M.  Explore two other cities (at least!) on the map.  What are two interesting observations you made about those locations? you found? 

You are done.  Be prepared to discuss the websites, as well as the answer to your ???? Questions next class. You will hand in those responses so that I can read them. 

Optional Videos on Glaciers that you may enjoy watching!

Everest on Top - Video made by a mountaineer climbing the last few feet right up to the peak of Everest.  

Skier and Snowboarders!  - First descent of K2 every, on skis. 
