We know that tectonic forces create some of the most incredible spots on Planet Earth. Hot springs, geysers, travertine terraces, volcanoes, and all sorts of other incredible places.
Your job is to go through the different locations and skim through the material. Look at the pictures, and explore the different spots. No need to read all the text, but I just want you to familiarize yourself with all the spots that exist.
Once you have gone through all the locations ~choose two spots that are intriguing to you. What's interesting, beautiful, or a place you want to know more about? Record three details about them.
1. Yellowstone National Park
A Photo Trip Through Yellowstone - the Atlantic
How Destructive Would a Supervolcano Be?
2. Top Ten Geothermal Locations in the World
Geothermal Pools and Hot Springs Around the World
3. Top Ten Photos of Iceland
10 Amazing Photos of Iceland
4. Wai-O-Tapu, New Zealand
Geothermal Adventure Land
5. The Deepest place on Earth - Marianas Trench - Parts of a Subduction Zone
Challenge - Movie Trailer
6. Mt. Bromo - Indonesia
7. Kamchatka, Russia - Geyser Valley
8. Joshinetsu National Park, Japan
Snow Monkeys at the Spa - video (mute sound if no headphones)
9. Great Rift Valley, Kenya
East Africa Rift Valley in pictures
East Africa is Splitting in Two, Here's Why
10. Camiguin Islands, Philippines
the Islands born of Fire
And the list goes on... google image of different hot springs, geyers, volcanoes
(ex. Mud Volcano in Colombia, etc.)and find another cool spot!
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