Glacier Tour - Google Earth

 Hello! Today we are going to use Google Earth to explore glaciated landscapes up close.  Here is the task for today: 

PART 1 - Google Earth Tour - Glaciers 

Glaciers of the World Tour- go through the following Tour that Ms. Sawatsky has created for you.  Instructions: 

  • Ensure that you are reading the text boxes for each location
  • Look at the different photos in the boxes
  • Zoom in, zoom out, move around and check out the different places - learn how to go from 2D to 3D - have some fun! 
Here is the tour!  Click on the link to get started.  Glaciers of the World
  • Once the tour opens, click on PRESENT! Or the Play button, then there should be 8 locations for you to take a look at. 
RECORD and hand in- 

3 Interesting Facts about specific Glaciers IN THE TOUR that you found cool or beautiful

2 Glaciated landscapes that you would like to learn more about

1 Overall observation that you made about Glaciers - ex. What are they like?  What was your impression of seeing them up close?

PART 2: Play around - begin research for assignment

Then, play around on Google Earth and find 
1 cool glaciers of your choice and record - its name (or mountain range if it doesn't have a name), where it is, and why you believe it to be beautiful/cool

