Glaciers Up Close!


Puerto Moreno, Chile

Today we did a review of the basic Glacial Features.  Last day, we looked at the link between oceans and glaciers - and how glaciers are incredibly important 'caretakers' of the ocean.  By staying frozen, and maintaining their capacity for albedo, they are able to help keep things cool, and maintain the salinity balance in the ocean. 

Let's take a closer look at glaciers, and finding out a bit more about them. 

PART 1 - Google Earth Tour - Glaciers 

Glaciers of the World Tour- go through the following Tour that Ms. Sawatsky has created for you.  

  • Ensure that you are reading the text boxes for each location
  • Looking at the different photos
  • Moving the locations and maps around to check out the different places
Here is the tour!  Click on the link to get started.  Glaciers of the World
  • Once the tour opens, click on PRESENT! Or the Play button, then there should be 10 locations for you to take a look at. 

TASK - RECORD and hand in with your article notes. 

3 Interesting Facts about specific Glaciers in the tour that you found cool or beautiful

2 Facts/Observations about glaciers in general 

Then, play around on Google Earth and find 
1 cool glaciers of your choice and record - its name (or mountain range if it doesn't have a name), where it is, and why you believe it to be beautiful/cool

Extra Videos - if you finish early, explore the following technical videos - 

Watch the following video clips and consider the following questions
  • VIDEO 3 - Excellent video on Glaciers + Innovation/Inventions - the Human Geography side of glaciers - How To Grow a Glacier 
    • What is the rainshadow area of a mountain?
    • Do you think this is a viable solution for the future?

Interested in glaciers and want to learn more?  Stressed out and want to look at some beautiful pics of nature and animals?  Go no further =) 

Our Planet: Frozen World - full episode - its so good! 
